Simplify everything!
Design to Cost and Value is an agile approach for product and service design that targets both the reinvention of Customer Value and radical gains in competitiveness.
A synthesis of Design to Value and Design to Cost, it also integrates the requirements of standardisation and modularity to aim for the most attractive and competitive response to the diverse expectations of the markets.
It combines all the skills in a pragmatic and very direct teamwork, which gives a new dynamic and transforms the way the company operates.

The challenges of Design to Cost and Value
As everyone in the industrial world knows, development projects today are both TO COST and TO VALUE.
- Achieving competitive costs is more vital than ever
in the face of increasing global competition - The reinvention of Customer Value has become imperative
It is necessary to surprise, to stand out and to transform the user experience but also to integrate increased constraints:
environmental protection, energy saving, safety… - Standardisation is proving to be an essential lever:
In both development and production, it offers greater competitiveness, attractiveness and quality of service.
Many other requirements are in addition to this squaring of the circle:
Accelerate projects, shorten deadlines, think in terms of services and not just products, secure supply sources, transform the culture and working methods, drive innovation and competitiveness in all minds and at all levels…
A global approach…
Design to Cost and Value aims to achieve all these objectives at the same time.
Neither a miracle method nor a new gadget, it is a synthesis of the best in competitive design:
Design to Cost, Design to Value and Modular design.
DtC&V shares its fundamentals with other development methods.
It has much in common with agile methods:
- The concern to place the customer/user at the heart of the thinking
- Continuous communication and smooth teamwork, rather than sequential mode,
- Short loops rather than a linear approach,
- The search for minimalism and simplicity.
Like Creative Design or Design Thinking, it focuses on people, creativity and the early and rapid evaluation of concepts.
Unlike “old-fashioned” Value Analysis, it does not get lost in the heaviness and piling up of theoretical tools but focuses on the essentials.
… adapted to the development of systems
The development of a product, a machine or an industrial plant is not like the development of software:
It is about exploring the concepts, technologies, architectures, processes, supply chains… that make up the whole reality of a project.
Rather than a series of “sprints” and “scrums”, the development process should be paced by a structured approach, alternating strong exchanges and shared observations, with parallel investigations by the skills involved.
Concrete and intense, the Design to Cost and Value approach opens up a wide range of possibilities before rapidly converging on the best compromises :

The diagnosis detects early the key levers on and lays the foundations for the project:
- the needs analysis explores the customer value and drafts a flexible specification at the beginning of the project, without neglecting the diversity of expectations,
- the flash benchmarking explores the best of what is currently available on the markets
- the critical analysis of the cost chain detects simplification potentials.
Creativity deals with the multiple facets of the project to invent customer value AND simplify.
The pace of solution finding and evaluation/experimentation is narrowing the range of choices, with full visibility of the issues of need, cost and risk.
The team works together to converge on the best compromises for the whole offer.
The pleasure of teamwork
Culture shock and divergent views are not inevitable.
Design to Cost and Value brings together all of the expertise in a decompartmentalised way, in order to converge towards a common objective.
- Because it is based on open exchanges throughout the project,
- because it allows complementary skills to express themselves,
- because it moves at an intense pace towards a shared goal…
The DtC&V cultivates the pleasure of teamwork, makes the project dynamic, and changes the way the company operates in a very real way.

Why implement Design to Cost and value?
To break down the barriers:
we need to get out of the habits and excesses of conservatism that too often penalise projects.
Because it’s fast:
The approach can shed light on the best levers of competitiveness and customer value in a short space of time.
It also applies in emergencies, when the situation is critical and it is vital to get out.
Because it works everywhere:
The approach has proven its effectiveness in all sectors and contexts: Products, services, installations… on catalogue or on tender, in B2B or B2C…
Because it is extremely profitable:
The radical gains generated by Design to Cost and Value are usually achieved without heavy investment.
How to make the Design to Cost and Value successful?
Choosing the ight topic:
This is quite easy, it is strategic, federative and at the heart of the company’s concerns. A first pilot rcase allows to benefit early on from demonstrative results that will boost the momentum.
An ambitious target:
Breaking with the usual gains and clearly expressed by the management, it will contribute to overcoming habits.
The right provider!
An external specialist is a major asset for the successful implementation of Design to Cost and Value.
Dynamic and experienced, good DtC&V facilitators know how to get involved with the teams to put the project at the heart of their thinking, thanks to an effective methodology.
Spectacular results
The benefits of Design to Cost and Value are high and often surprising:
Création de nouveaux concepts transformant l’expérience utilisateur ou les bénéfices client
- Creation of new concepts that transform the user experience or customer benefits
- Radical reduction of direct costs on new and existing products
- Conquering new markets or securing market share in the face of new threats
- Simplification of innovative concepts, made economically viable while retaining customer value
- Winning tenders in highly competitive sectors, in the country and abroad
- Clarification of innovation projects, avoiding getting bogged down or lost in the wrong directions
- Saving of development time, with smooth operation and reduced iterations
- And above all, the impetus for change, thanks to a collegial approach and strengthened team cohesion.
38 rue de Berri
75008 PARIS