by Philippe Rivoiron | Jul 14, 2021 | Avis client Standardisation EN, Non classé
” Despite the COVID situation that locked us to work on remote workshop and almost no face to face brainstorming and fully dynamic experience, we learn a lot of develop through this process extremely valuable options and solutions to be digested and integrated...
by Philippe Rivoiron | Jun 30, 2021 | Avis client Analyse de la valeur EN
This “training-action” allowed us to optimise and energise the process of Value Analysis, Benchmarking, research and evaluation of solutions. It is pragmatic, flexible and above all...
by Philippe Rivoiron | Jun 18, 2021 | Avis client Analyse de la valeur EN
” Excellent facilitation by Philippe of a pragmatic approach to the Value Analysis process....
by Philippe Rivoiron | Jun 2, 2021 | Avis clients Design to cost and value EN
” We appreciated the undeniable methodological contribution on the functional definition and the absolute necessity to judge the levels of flexibilities to define the right need. The cost breakdown method is simple and pragmatic, which makes it possible to...
by Philippe Rivoiron | May 30, 2021 | Avis clients Design to cost and value EN
” I particularly appreciated this approach which took me out of my purely technical vision. It is global and efficient. It gives a lot of clarity to the management (and obviously to ourselves)....